Asthma Regimen

Summary:Follow the Water Cure and use a 1:1 ratio calcium magnesium multimineral supplement like Solaray Cal-Mag Citrate or Now Full Spectrum Mineral Caps. Perform Dust Cleanup. Ensure adequate amounts of vitamin D

This is all that is usually needed and should be done long term. Asthma often appears to merely be a hydration deficiency. Much water is expelled by the lungs during respiration. If there is not enough water available for normal body functions, the lung's alveoli and bronchioles constrict to minimize the loss, but in the process making the lungs much less efficient in its functions of absorbing oxygen and dispelling carbon dioxide. Plus, when there is not enough water in the body the normal mucus which protects the lungs becomes thicker, adding to the problem.

Minerals such as calcium and especially magnesium are also important. They control smooth muscle and nerve function but are also important for relaxing muscles including the lungs, relieving constriction. Other minerals are likely important, too, including sodium (provided in the Water Cure) and potassium, which should be gotten by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables in the diet. Having adequate minerals and water in the body greatly reduces histamine response as well, if allergy triggers are a problem. It is astounding that doctors who administer intravenous magnesium to save the lives of patients who are suffering a severe asthma attack do not recommend that their patients consume at least the recommended daily allowance (the amount necessary to prevent deficiency symptoms like asthma and heart disease) of magnesium each day.

There can also be other potential causes of asthma, but the primary ones above should be addressed first. Others include parasite problems, especially of roundworms. Since roundworms travel through the body including the lungs as part of their lifecycle, there can be a lung reaction to their presence. If this is the cause, the Antiparasitic regimen can be used. If symptoms immediately become worse for two or three days, then get better than before in subsequent days, this could be the most likely cause.

Lung disorders can also be caused by excessive reaction to dust or fibers or toxins like mold and solvents. Even if they are not the basic cause, they can still be a trigger for reactions so should be addressed regardless. See the Toxin Avoidance section for more information.

Chronic sinus infections can cause symptoms simliar to asthma as the mucus drains into the lungs. If this is a problem, see the Sinus Infection regimen and keep them clean with Nasal Washes. Using sinus supplements such as oregano oil and olive leaf extract also address parasite problems, but not as effectively as the Eclectic product recommended in the parasite regimen.

For short term relief of asthma symptoms, Enzymatic Therapy makes a product called Air Power, which decongests and opens up the lungs and the sinuses, addressing excess mucus production. This is a palliative since it does not address a base cause of asthma, but it can be used to relieve short term problems. It is primarily recommended by Electroherbalism as the main supplement to use in the Snoring Regimen. Further symptom reduction can be achieved by providing additional nutrients for the lungs such as bromelain (pineapple enzyme), which reduces allergy symptoms, enhances circulation, removes clots and other obstructions of the circulation system, digests protein and oils so they are better assimilated by the body, and fights parasites.

If food triggers one's asthma attacks, it might be necessary to follow the Eat Right 4 Your Type diet, avoiding potentially allergenic foods. In the meantime, go ahead and avoid some of the worst foods to cause the problem such as tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, and eggplant. Wheat products sometimes trigger asthma attacks. This is probably not related as much to wheat's harmful effect on the digestive tract or blood sugar levels as it is from potential mold contamination. Peanuts are sometimes implicated too, again probably more for the mold toxins.

As Hulda Clark recommends, asthma inhalers should always be carried with one for many years even after asthma symptoms are no longer a problem. A relapse of the program combined with an asthma trigger can always cause the problem to return.

Rife Frequencies, Annotations, and Comments


Asthma (also see Liver support and Parasites roundworms and ascaris) - 7344, 3702, 3672, 2720, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1500, 1283, 1234, 1233, 880, 787, 727, 522, 444, 146, 125, 95, 72, 20, 0.5
Asthma_1 - 1283, 1233, 4.7
Asthma_2 (all frequencies for 5 min) - 1234, 3672, 7346, 727, 787, 880, 10000, 47, 120
Asthma_v - 3125, 3124, 890, 886, 871, 822, 782, 756, 712, 665, 633, 521, 515, 487, 434, 411, 322, 263, 172, 128

TrueRife - Selected frequency sets in F100 format with comments


#44 minutes

#Many conditions may resemble asthma, making it difficult for health professionals to be certain of a diagnosis of asthma. This may be especially true when evaluating whether a child has asthma or some other condition that causes similar symptoms.

#In adults, other conditions that may have symptoms similar to asthma include:

#Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
#Heart failure.
#A blood clot in the lung (pulmonary embolism).
#Problems with the throat (laryngeal dysfunction).
#Mechanical obstruction, such as vocal cord paralysis or tumors.
#Cough caused by taking medications, such as angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors.
#Vocal cord dysfunction.
#Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

#In children, other conditions that may have symptoms similar to asthma include:

#Upper airway diseases, such as allergies (allergic rhinitis) or inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis).
#Obstructions in the large airways, such as a foreign object in the throat or enlarged lymph nodes in the neck.
#Obstruction in the small airways, such as from viral bronchiolitis or cystic fibrosis.
#Recurrent cough not caused by asthma.
#Vocal cord dysfunction.
#Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

duty 71.5
converge 2 1
pulse 4 60
dwell 120

7344, 3702, 3672, 2720, 2170,
1800, 1600, 1500, 1283, 1234,
duty 70
880, 787, 727, 522,
444, 146,
125, 95, 72

converge 0 0

200, 50

Post to the Rife forum by Tom Brown:

There could be an adrenal component to asthma. There also could be a problem with the omega3/omega6 ratio fatty acid ratio that could adding to the asthmatic response. In asthma, there is often a TH1/TH2 ratio problem with some other atopic conditions present such as eczema or rhinitis. There are pathogens such as mycoplasmas and chlamydia that skew the TH1/TH2 ratio towards TH2 to allow for their survival. The humoral response is heightened at the expense of the cellular response with atopy as a symptom. Treating for various mycoplamas and chlamydia pneumonia with a contact device can be very effective in getting rid of asthmatic symptoms and eczema.

The TH1/TH2 ratio will often normalize when the stealth pathogen(s) are eliminated. I don't have the exact frequency for Chlamydia pneumonia . The Clark Mycoplama frequencies are good to use though.


http://www.drmirkin .com/morehealth/ G107.htm

If you were in good health and suddenly developed coughing and wheezing and you went to your doctor, the odds are overwhelming that you would be diagnosed with an infection called bronchitis and be given antibiotics. However, if the antibiotics did not clear up your cough in a week or two, your doctor would then probably diagnose late- onset asthma, tell you that you are allergic and send you to an allergist. Your allergist or chest specialist would then prescribe either cortisone pills or inhalers and you would get better, but you would not be cured, and the odds are that you would spend the rest of your life with an incurable disease called late-onset asthma. Chances are that, over time, your asthma would worsen and you would end taking cortisone-type pills and probably die prematurely with your disease.

Late-onset asthma is usually not caused by allergies and cannot be improved by taking allergy shots. Richard Martin of the National Jewish Hospital in Denver reports that he has successfully treated symptoms in people diagnosed with late-onset asthma and who grew mycoplasma or chlamydia out of their lungs. This is very exciting, because until recently, asthma that develops after puberty has been considered an incurable disease. Fifty-five subjects with chronic, stable asthma had PCR cultures for chlamydia and mycoplasma. 31 out of the 55 grew chlamydia and mycoplasma from their lungs and these people were treated with clarithromycin, 500 twice a day for 6 weeks.

The vast majority improved by every measured variable (1).

Eight years ago, David Hahn of the University of Wisconsin reported that he cured several patients with late-onset asthma by giving them Biaxin, Zithromax or doxycycline antibiotics (4). He was treated as a nut by the medical community. At that time, I started treating my patients with late-onset asthma with antibiotics and noted that I was curing several of them. I am board certified in Allergy and Immunology, and I received a nasty letter from an officer of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, telling me essentially that I was guilty of malpractice when I prescribed antibiotics and was curing late-onset asthma. He said he would ask that I be censured by the ethics committee of the Academy. This shows how difficult it is to get doctors to learn about medical breakthroughs and then to get them to use this information to help their patients. Also see report #G144.

The Journal of the American Medical Association reviewed articles showing that asthma that starts after puberty can be caused by an infection. Mycoplasma, chlamydia and ureaplasma are bacteria that are unique because they live inside of cells and are extraordinarily difficult to grow in culture media in the laboratory and therefore are extremely difficult to find with routine culture techniques (2).

At the 37th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy in Toronto, papers were presented showing that Mycoplasma is a common cause of pneumonia in young adults and children, a common cause of meningitis, nerve damage, heart muscle infection (myocarditis) and arthritis, and a common cause of asthma in young adults. One paper showed that a significant number of young adults who develop asthma caused by mycoplasma fail to develop antibodies to kill that bacteria, so they continue to be infected for the rest of their lives. Another paper showed that another intracellular bacteria called ureaplasma is a common cause of asthma in young children. Since practicing physicians usually do not have an available laboratory test to find chlamydia, ureaplasma and mycoplasma, doctors should consider prescribing antibiotics for some people with persistent wheezing and coughing. (azithromycin, clarithromycin, dirithromycin, minocycline or doxycycline) (3)

It took most doctors more than 15 years after the discovery of helicobacter to start treating stomach ulcers with antibiotics. Think of how many people have died of bleeding ulcers and stomach cancer because of their physician's intransigence or unwillingness to accept new information. According to these recent studies, at least some cases of late-onset asthma should be treated with antibiotics.

However, this is highly controversial and not accepted by most doctors; discuss this with your doctor.

1)Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia pneumoniae in asthma - Effect of clarithromycin. Chest, 2002, Vol 121, Iss 6, pp 1782-1788. M Kraft, GH Cassell, J Pak, RJ Martin. Martin RJ, Natl Jewish Med & Res Ctr, Dept Med, 1400 Jackson St, Room J115, Denver,CO 80206 USA

2)JAMA 1997 (December 17);278(23): 2051-2.

3) JD Klausner, D Passaro, J Rosenberg, WL Thacker, DF Talkington, SB Werner, DJ Vugia. Enhanced control of an outbreak of Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia with azithromycin prophylaxis. Journal of Infectious Diseases 177: 1 (JAN 1998):161-166.

4) DL Hahn. Treatment of Chlamydia pneumoniae infection in adult
asthma: A before-after trial. Journal of Family Practice 41: 4 (OCT 1995):345-351. Forty-six patients (mean age 47.7 years; range 17 to
78) with moderate to moderately severe, stable, chronic asthma were treated a median of 4 weeks (range 3 to 9) with oral doxycycline (100 mg twice daily), azithromycin (1000 mg once weekly), or erythromycin (1000 mg daily). Post-treatment pulmonary function and asthma symptoms were compared with baseline values. Follow-up was an average of 6 months (range 1.5 to 36) post-treatment. Results. Four patients with C pneumoninae respiratory tract infection developed chronic asthma, which disappeared after treatment in each case. Of the remaining 42 seroreactive patients who were treated a mean of 6 years after the development of chronic asthma, one half had either complete remission or major clinical improvement (3 and 18 patients,
respectively) . This improvement was significantly more likely to occur in patients with early disease (P=.01) and before the development of fixed obstruction (P<.01). Conclusions. Antimicrobial therapy appeared to ''cure'' or significantly improve asthma in approximately one half of treated adults, and the response pattern was consistent with chlamydial pathogenesis. C pneumoniae infection in asthma may be clinically important and should be investigated further.

5) HW Chu, M Kraft, JE Krause, MD Rex, RJ Martin. Substance P and its receptor neurokinin 1 expression in asthmatic airways. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2000, Vol 106, Iss 4, pp 713-722.

Checked 3/9/07


Asthma and Magnesium Deficiency

Vitamin D combats asthma

Magnesium - Common Conditons Linked to a Deficiency

Hulda Clark on Asthma